Hello, all. Nothing pithy or dramatic or spooky tonight, just a bit of beautiful kindness to report. My dear friend Luther, whom I've known for thirty years, is at long last having a baby of his own. He never thought this would ever happen. His wife is almost eight months pregnant with a little girl and they're very happy about it. I wanted to do something for this most beloved friend so began shamelessly calling all my friends in several states and telling them Luther stories to inspire their generosity. And boy, did they inspire! They spread the word and the results were incredible. Complete strangers donated stuff. Many even wrapped their donations as if for a baby shower. My other friend, who's going to grad school in Chicago, drove all over hell to pick everything up and is going to deliver it to Luther and his wife very soon. I can't wait to hear details as to their reactions.
That got me to thinking about humanity. Sure, it's a boiling cesspool sometimes, and heaven knows we rampaging insecurity maniacs have had more than our share of dipping a toe in the stinky brine...but then there's something like this. Complete strangers, hearing of someone's need, and coming together to help out. To be generous. To do something sacred. It restores my faith in humanity, shows me how good we can truly be. My own unexpected present, all gift-wrapped and ribboned. The gift of the knowledge of goodness and the ability to notice it.
It's like Christmas right now.
Love, R
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